How Friendly Fire is Dismantling Our Unity (and how to recover from this)

Friendly Fire is “fire not from an enemy, but coming from someone close to you causing emotional or physical injury.”

Dismantling is “to destroy the integrity or functioning of something or to take it apart.”

Unity is “the state of being united or joined together as a whole.”

Broken Relationships

Friendly fire is a term you don’t often hear spoken about situations in our community, neighborhoods, workplaces, or even within our own families.  Friendly fire is a term most often discussed in military circles.  But it is an important concept that we need to understand better, because its impact is far-reaching, having devastating effects in families, communities, cities and states.  It is impacting how people do life with each other; and how they work together and even worship with one another. 

Like the definition above states, friendly fire occurs when the person (or persons) whose words or actions causing disunity and conflict is someone you consider to be a friend, is a family member, neighbor, co-worker or an ally.  The situation catches you off guard, because you are not expecting it, as you consider this person trustworthy. 

One of the saddest types of friendly fire we are seeing today is family members who are no longer speaking to each another.  We also have people no longer attending church because of relational schisms.  People in workplace settings are bickering openly with each other.  Neighbors have stopped talking to each another.  And in some cases, there are open acts of physical violence occurring.  All of this is causing the dismantling of unity within families, communities, workplaces, churches and is having a devastating impact. 

How did we get here?  Social media and places on the internet are some of the biggest tools creating unhealthy echo chambers which are becoming launching pads for destructive friendly fire.  These echo chambers foster environments where people are only encountering information or opinions that they agree with and that reinforce narrow (and sometimes unhealthy) viewpoints.  Unhealthy viewpoints are the breeding ground for the creation of friendly fire.

What can we do?  We can start to combat friendly fire by taking responsibility for the echo chambers we place ourselves within and in understanding the buttons that push our own emotions.  We also need to be willing to challenge our assumptions by carefully broadening our information intake and considering the source (and motives) of those providing us information.  This can also take the form of being willing to talk with someone different from ourselves; and learn about their life experiences.  In doing this, you are not to try to change the other person’s point of view.  It is solely to learn and be exposed to information you normally do not receive.  But do this carefully so that you don’t find yourself moving into a new unhealthy echo chamber.

Unity is Strength, division is weakness.” ~ Swahili Proverb

Can we recover from the impact of friendly fire?  Yes, we can recover from the impact of friendly fire, but it takes a willingness to admit our own part in the situation.  Each of us often plays a role, either willingly or unwillingly, in friendly fire situations.  To stop these situations, we need to take responsibility for our part in creating them, and be willing to move beyond our echo chambers to healthy information and conversations.  You can tell that the conversations you are moving to are healthy when they conversations about building and repairing relationships; and are about creating positive unity.

We get to decide how friendly fire situations will end.  We don’t have to allow disunity and hate to win.  If we choose, we can restore unity by allowing love to be the antidote to hate.”~ Linda Garrett-Johnson

If you’d like to learn more about the concept of Friendly Fire and the impact on faith leaders and the church, read the book “Seeing In the Spirit Understanding the Battle” which can be purchased here.

Life After Lay-off


It’s just a few weeks before Christmas and there is a meeting invite that suddenly “appears” on your work calendar.  You know that your company has been laying people off, but you try to remain positive and say to yourself that your manager “just wants to check in with you before going on vacation.”  But when you walk into the conference room, and you see the thick folder on the table, you know that you’ve been laid off.

Breathe.  Focus.  Don’t allow anxiety to set in.  Don’t allow bitter, angry thoughts to overcome your mind.  Remember what is says in Philippians 4: 6-7:

”Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” – Message Bible

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – New Living Translation

You know what, there is LIFE after Lay-off, you just need to figure out what that looks like for you.  Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn’t it.  Getting angry about it, is definitely not it.  Wondering what you did wrong surely isn’t it. 

LIFE after Lay-off is about reinventing yourself.  It’s realizing that today is the first day of the rest of your life, now go do with it what YOU REALLY WANT TO DO.

How can YOU reinvent yourself after a lay-off?  What have you been putting off doing because work got in the way?

So…I’m not saying don’t look for another job.  But now that you have some, well LOTS of free time, spend some of it doing what is important to you too.  The things that you put on the back burner.

LOVE + UNITY = antidote to hate

If you turn on the television, pick up a news paper or read an online news article today it might make you feel hopeless.  You may wonder to yourself what can YOU do to make a difference or impact.  Well, I for one refuse to give up hope.  I am still a believer that LOVE + UNITY can win over hate and division.  But LOVE + UNITY must be active to truly be an antidote to hate.  Let me share with you a few things that you do to be a difference maker.


The first thing to do is START.  Start to have conversations with your friends, co-workers, neighbors, even people you meet.  Ask them three questions:

  1. How can we make our community, neighborhood, workplace be a place where everyone feels welcome and safe?
  2. What can we do together to make this happen?
  3. What will you commit to no longer do that might be impacting the ability of others to feel welcome or safe?

I know, you might be thinking to yourself, “Really. I’m just going to go up to people and ask them those three questions?”  My answer to you is YES!  Start with one or two people that you feel most comfortable with, then branch out to a few others.  Ask the people that you talk with to do the same.  Pretty soon you will be surprised as to how many people you (and the people in your circle of influence) will reach!


If you have already been part of a larger dialogue, like one about “Building or Rebuilding Community” or one on “Racial Issues,” commit to CONTINUING that dialogue.  Ways that you can continue this work, dialogue are by:

  1. Developing a list of things you want to do, or areas you want to be involved in, to build hope in your community.
  2. Ask yourself are there any local legislative changes you think could move communities to becoming more hopeful places that demonstrate how we can truly be united.

Again, some of this might seem overwhelming.  So what I will say is take it one step at a time.  Start small.  But just keep going, continue.  Don’t stop.  Don’t allow what you see on television or read in the news to paralyze you with fear or make you become disillusioned.

Because what you will find is there are more people who really want to live in a world, in a community, in a neighborhood where there is more visible LOVE + UNITY = antidote to hate.

Consider joining the movement by showing the world that you stand on the side of LOVE + UNITY by liking us on Facebook or sporting our LOVE + UNITY gear. ©